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christian tatelu
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Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

The first sentence in our mind maybe is "what is that?", then "where is it?" and more questions again.
Ok here i'll discribe about can do attitude. Can do attitude (CDA) is a capabelity of people that have positive prediction and perception about every thing in the future, capablty to work very hard in their life as effective and eficient as possible. People who have (mental) CDA always improve their skill and capability in their work to be the best one they can.
Then, what the different between people who have CDA and smart people?? More Smart people is (bawaan) and usually they just do some thing that be their job and work to finish it at the time. But they (not all) didn't think about their job in the future or their job future. Fore more clear i have an analogical here it is; the CDA people they not only work hard to finish their job but also think how they job future and make some inovation to get the best one in their job although they inovation out of rule (always have prediction and perception about future), but the smart people just work very hard to finish they job and try to be the best one without some inovation or they just work based on the rule.

Based on some surveys, for at the time more commpany choose CDA people than smart people. The company perception is the CDA people will make true (keputusan) in the future based from their analystic and perception in the future.
The last as my opinion, i'm very100x sure that the CDA people are the smart people. But the smart people note sure(tdk pasti) that they are CDA people.


presented by: Wahid A.M
for more article, tips to be creatife people and makalah for university visit my blog and get here

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