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Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

How you see yourself in your mind is what your going to manifest in your life. You will never rise higher than your own perceived expectations. How do see yourself? Are you a positive, outgoing individual? Or are you a quiet little mouse hiding in the corner afraid of the future?

You have control over your mind and emotions simply put you have the power already inside you to determine which path your life will follow. You can reprogram your mind through meditations, positive thoughts, saying or writing out positive affirmations. The word affirmations means to make true. What do you want to change in your life?

Your very mind can be your biggest asset or your biggest enemy. If you think thoughts of mediocrity then your limiting your God given abilities and mediocrity is what you will manifest in your life. You need to enlarge your vision and allow yourself to dream big things and you will see big things happening in your life. Don't let past attempts or failures hinder your progress. So you tried and things didn't work out. It just means that you try again, keeping that vision, that dream alive in your mind and heart. Let go of the past. The past is just that, the past. It is gone, done, over with never to return.

You have a brigYou can change your life for the better. You don't have to settle for mediocrity, don't settle for just getting by! I know that God has more in store for you. God doesn't do anything on a small scale. You need to expect God to do big things. He gives you big dreams and equips you with all you need to succeed at those dreams. It's already inside future out in front of you just waiting for you to grasp it, believe in it. You can learn from your past, but don't allow it to haunt you. You can't change the past, but the future is in your hands, in your positive thoughts, in your brilliant mind.
You want to look good. We all want to look good; here you will discover how to look good in anything and everything.

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some people have a mole on their face and spend time and money in disguising or hiding it, or in some cases having the mole removed. Some
who have no facial blemishes will spend time and money on a ‘beauty spot.’

We have no control over what people think about us. What they think is their business. How we think and feel is our business. So the first step in how to look good in anything and everything is to feel good about ourselves. Love what you’ve got.

Below are the ten keys to opening the doors to your inspiration.

1. The first key to inspiration is enjoyment. It would take a spiritual master to be inspired about doing the dishes. So find something that really excites you. It can be anything that you really enjoy. You have to have fun.

2. The second key to inspiration is love. When you are actively pouring love into what you are doing, this will guarantee that you are opening yourself to experiencing more inspiration. If you love what you do and do what you love, this will guarantee that you will be inspired.

3. The third key to inspiration is to trust in yourself. Listen to that little voice inside yourself and know that this comes from heart. This is called intuition. Intuition is the spark the sets off the fires of inspiration.

4. The fourth key to inspiration is to follow what your intuition tells you. The more you listen to it, the stronger your intuition will become. If you don't pay attention, that little voice gets fainter and fainter until you can no longer hear it. The spark goes out, and gets harder and harder to rekindle.

5. The fifth key to be inspired is to believe in yourself. Keep telling yourself "I can". These are some of the most powerful words that you can ever use. When you say this to yourself often enough, you build a bridge between yourself and your inspiration. When you are backed by a strong belief in yourself and your dreams, nothing is impossible.

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

This File Presented By:
TI.a '10
1.        Firok Atul Akyun         (210910019)
2.        Yeni Rahmawati           (210910010)

A.   Introduction

Ø      The Direct Method was revived as method when the goal of instruction to communicate.
Ø      The Direct Method has one very base rule no translation is allowed.
Ø      The Direct Method is to be conneted directly with the target language, without going through the process of translating.

B.    Classroom Activities and Principle of Direct Method

  1. Observation      : The students read aloud a passage about united states geography.
Principles          : Reading in the target language should be taught from the beginning of language instruction, however, the reading skill will be developed through practice with speaking.
  1. Observation      : The teacher points to a part of the map after each sentence is read.
Principles          : Object present can to help student understand the meaning.
3.                  Observation      : The teacher uses the target language to ask the students if they have a question. The students use the target language to ask their question.
Principles          : The native language should not be used in the classroom.
4.      Observation   : The teacher answere the student’s question by drawing   on the blackboard.
      Principle           : The teacher should demonstrate, it is desirable that students make     a direct association between the target language and meaning.


Smoking is a work a make in our body broken. Because in smoke found chemistry essence a such as: nicotin and carbon. This chemistry essence a make broken to our body. Effect from smoking a result three conflik that is: health, to smoke opium, and released.
The first, effect from smoke to health that is if we used to smoke very long in our life,  than our health will to experience down, because in our body foretell found chemistry essence is a direct broken in our body. Chemistry essence that is nicotin is a chemistry essence very dangerous if in our body, it can broken to our heart is can to appear black flex in our heart.
The second, to smoke opium. Smoke we can make to opium, because the first we to calculate smoke, chemistry essence will to go in our body and scattered to all our body. That is can make to smoke opium in body, a cause chemistry essence in order to smoke opium long time also a result to died.

A.   Latar Belakang Masalah

Transfer belajar terjadi apabila seseorang dapat menerapkan sebagian atau semua kecakapan-kecakapan yang telah dipelajari ke dalam situasi lain yang tertentu. Beberapa contoh sebagai penjelasan seseorang yang telah dapat menguasai bahasa belanda umpamanya, ia akan lebih mudah dan cepat mempelajari bahasa jerman. Kecakapan dan pengetahuan tentang gramatika dan idiom serta susunan kata-kata dalam bahasa belanda memudahkan orang itu untuk mempelajari bahasa jerman.
Demikianlah kita dapat mengatakan transfer belajar, apabila yang telah kita pelajari dapat dipergunakan untuk mempelajari yang lain. Biasanya transfer ini terjadi karena adanya persamaan sifat antara yang lama dengan yang baru, meskipun tidak benar-benar sama.
Selain transfer belajar dalam pendidikan juga diperlukan motivasi belajar. Guru-guru sangat menyadari pentingnya motivasi di dalam membimbing belajar murid. Berbagai macam teknik misalnya, kenaikan tingkat, penghargaan, peranan-peranan kehormatan, piagam-piagam prestasi, pujian dan celaan telah dippergunakan untuk mendorong murid-murid agar mau belajar. Ada kalanya, guru-guru mempergunakan teknik-teknik tersebut secara tidak tepat.